Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A challenge to any liberals, progressives, or any one who thinks the Conservatives are bonkers.

I hear a lot a folks every day slingin crap about Conservatives and what we stand for and/or believe is the right direction for this country. I would like to issue a challenge to anyone willing to have their opinion tested and scrutinized by ever day Conservative citizen.

1) Name one or more policies put into place by the current administration that you agree with, and why.

2) Explain why (In simple terms) the health care reform bill (in it's current form) is good for the for the people of the United States.

3)State one opinion in which you think I have absolutely no way to refute the facts.

I am in need of interaction with someone who actually digs for and/or is interested in the truth. Whatever you might think the truth is.

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